And all through the workplace,
The parking lot was empty.
Every single space.
The cubicles were dark.
Quite a spooky effect.
All inhabitants chose to work from home,
But I said “What the heck?”
“I’ve got a ton to get done,
Discharge summaries and the rest.
And I don’t really mind the quiet.
It’s how I work best.”
Turning to my computer,
And setting to work,
“At least I’ll have all the coffee
That’s definitely a perk.”
Unexplained bumps and occasional computer glitch
Are enough to make even the most staid person twitch.
Only a few more hours, then I can call it a day.
Likely no one would even notice if I didn’t stay.
Before too much longer it is time to go home
I make my way in my jeep through the descending gloam
And in truth I am glad to have my work and my pay
And to feel some sense of accomplishment at the end of my day.
To my friends home and warm
I send this holiday charm
You are all a joy to work with whether day or night
Merry Christmas to all, and may it be safe and bright!
*This was originally written and sent in 2012 as holiday fun for all my colleagues and fellow cubical dwellers. As cheesy as it may seem, sometimes the corny sentiments are still heartfelt. My apologies to Clement Clarke Moore for the artistic license to the classic.